Modern Application Development on AWS: Pathways that Generate Business Value
Application Development AWS Cloud Solutions
Modern Application Development on AWS: Pathways that Generate Business Value

Granted that modern web or mobile applications are an indispensable part of delivering customer value, it is only justifiable for businesses to invest in modern architecture construction to pave the way to customer satisfaction and competitive standing.

Unfortunately, the struggle organizations face in balancing technology management and innovation holds many businesses back from reaping the results of their application modernization. In order to help you address this frequent issue permeating the process of modern application development, Romexsoft has created this article which reveals:

  • What the most common advantages of modern architecture are
  • What steps cloud application development entails
  • How AWS application development services support modern infrastructures
  • Why collaborate with certified vendors in AWS consulting and application development
AWS Observability Best Practices for Your Application
AWS DevOps
AWS Observability Best Practices for Your Application

Achieving application observability: the ability to gain insight into an app’s inner operation, is a widespread business challenge aggravated by a common problem: effective instrumentation. While observability is increasingly important, the way to achieving it can be obstructed by the intricacies of instrumenting effectively.

The article will lead you to Amazon’s best practices for overcoming this challenge, enabling organizations to gather and analyze their app’s information in order to gain insights as well as take appropriate actions to tackle issues and ensure optimal app performance. Upon reading, you will be able to apply the following knowledge to your app’s merit:

  • why instrumentation matters for observability
  • how to handle cardinality within visibility
  • what tools and services AWS offers for instrumentation
  • what best practices Amazon promotes for achieving visibility
Amazon OpenSearch Service – A Comprehensive Guide
AWS Cloud Solutions
Amazon OpenSearch Service – A Comprehensive Guide

Like many organizations, yours may be facing challenges when seeking secure, scalable, and high-performing search and analytics solutions. Indeed, the pursuit of making the most of the available data is often hindered by operational complexities. Be it data security or scalability issues, this is where Amazon OpenSearch Service comes into play.

Should you be new to Amazon OpenSearch Service or quite a confident user already, this all-encompassing article will guide you in the intricacies of data-driven approach and analytics. The article will give you a thorough overview on:

  • What OpenSearch Service is and how it relates to OpenSearch
  • How Amazon OpenSearch operates and what functions covers
  • What the typical use cases for OpenSearch Service are
  • What benefits OpenSearch Service provides and at what cost
Application Observability – What It Is For and How You Can Handle It with AWS
AWS DevOps
Application Observability – What It Is For and How You Can Handle It with AWS

Suppose you have a public-facing web application. Suppose the app users report complaints about the sluggish performance of your application. Both your front-end and your back-end teams dive into their dashboards and metrics, but neither can pinpoint the root of the problem. What we typically discover upon analyzing a case is that businesses have plenty of technical metrics and only a scarce, if not none, representation of user experience metrics for an app. That is exactly the issue with observability that generates certain blindness to the origins of user dissatisfaction.

In this article, we delve into the essence of application observability, uncovering its pivotal role in ensuring robust functionality. Join us to find out:

  • what application observability stands for
  • why application observability matters for performance
  • what the three pillars of app observability are
  • what application observability tools and services AWS has to offer.
Cloud Adoption – The Price of Inaction
Application Migration
Cloud Adoption – The Price of Inaction

We at Romexsoft have accumulated extensive experience in assisting our customers in adopting migrating their solutions to the cloud so as to leverage what it has to offer. Drawing from our practical expertise in cloud adoption and migration, we have gained many an insight into the as well as the cost of delaying and avoiding the adoption of cloud services. Thus in this article, we will recount the investments and profits associated with cloud computing: both literally and non-literally. To be more specific, the article explains:

  • what the most common reasons for cloud adoption are
  • how the cloud adoption begins and what challenges await at the start
  • what the typical cloud adoption differentiators are
  • what the cost of doing nothing with cloud adoption is
  • what the implications of slow cloud migration are
How To Optimize Cloud Cost Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework
Application Modernization
How To Optimize Cloud Cost Using the AWS Well-Architected Framework

Efficient cloud cost management is a paramount concern for businesses that prioritize innovation and their competitive standing. At the same time, heavy reliance on cloud services to deliver value effectively, smoothly, and rapidly entails the need for cost optimization while maintaining performance. For many businesses, a journey of achieving maximal cost efficiency is challenging to set out on independently, so this article recites the strategies and helpful measures one can employ on the way to sustainable cost optimization.

It also covers the questions of:

  • How the AWS Well-Architected Framework handles cloud costs
  • Why and how to analyze business expenditure
  • What the cost optimization strategy implementation entails
  • How AWS tools aid in cost management
  • What role AWS-certified partners play in maximizing cost efficiency.
Mastering Selenium Automation Testing: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices
Automation Testing
Mastering Selenium Automation Testing: Tips, Tricks, and Best Practices

Mastering Selenium for automation testing is a pathway towards elevating software quality assurance endeavors. The intricacy of handling dynamic elements, managing pop-ups, and tackling synchronization issues can often hinder the smooth progress of automation testing tasks. This guide navigates through the nuances of Selenium, offering a structured pathway towards overcoming common challenges and leveraging advanced strategies for enhanced testing efficiency. Insights include:

  • Strategies for handling dynamic elements effectively in Selenium scripts.
  • Techniques for managing common disruptions like pop-ups and alerts.
  • Solutions for tackling synchronization issues ensuring robust script execution.
  • Debugging strategies to identify and rectify issues in your Selenium scripts.
  • Leveraging advanced Selenium techniques for elevated testing capabilities.
  • Tips and best practices from seasoned Selenium experts for optimized script development.
  • Engaging with the Selenium community for continuous learning and staying updated.
Automation testing metrics: measuring success effectively
Automation Testing
Automation testing metrics: measuring success effectively

Enhance your automation testing with key insights:

  • Understand the critical importance of metrics in evaluating automation testing success.
  • Analyze core metrics for a comprehensive view of testing effectiveness.
  • Dive into advanced metrics for deeper insights into testing processes.
  • Learn accurate interpretation techniques for meaningful analysis of testing metrics.
  • Utilize metrics for continuous improvement and refinement of testing strategies.
  • Explore the integration of metrics in Agile and DevOps for enhanced testing alignment.
  • Discover emerging trends and the evolving role of metrics in future automation testing.
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