Romexsoft Application Development Blog

Latest blogs, recommendations, and insights from Romexsoft's Team on Application Development

Multi-Tenant SaaS Architecture: Essential Principles and Approaches

Multi-Tenant SaaS Architecture: Essential Principles and Approaches

If you are reading this article, chances are you pursue designing a robust and scalable multi-tenant SaaS solution within your technology stack. Yet, we suggest abstracting from specific solutions and considering the fundamental aspects of multi-tenant solutions, irrespective of the underlying technology.

The goal of the article is to offer a clear understanding of what it takes to create a resilient and high-performing SaaS environment. If this aligns with your interests, let's explore the following concepts.

  • Exploring multitenancy as a core focus of SaaS architecture
  • How architects try to balance those cornerstones
  • How we achieve scalability in SaaS multi-tenant
  • What are the optimal scaling strategies are

Mastering the Project Management Life Cycle in Software Development

Mastering the Project Management Life Cycle in Software Development

Embarking on a successful project journey means navigating through the intricacies of project management, a dynamic process marked by distinct stages, each demanding unique steps and tools. This article is an all-encompassing exploration of the project manager's pivotal role throughout the project life cycle. Join us as we uncover tips and insights, providing a roadmap for the complex realm of project management that can be full of pitfalls. Browse through this article to find out:

  • what is project management life cycle
  • what tools and documents will come in handy in managing a project
  • what duties a project manager is supposed to adopt
  • what challenges occur in the project management flow
  • how to prevent and tackle the project management issues.

Security and Privacy Solutions in EHR Development

Security and Privacy Solutions in EHR Development

One data breach costs $3.7 million in lost revenues. Learn about the essential EHR features to patch all the vulnerabilities and keep patient data safe.  

Modern Application Development on AWS: Pathways that Generate Business Value

Modern Application Development on AWS: Pathways that Generate Business Value

Granted that modern web or mobile applications are an indispensable part of delivering customer value, it is only justifiable for businesses to invest in modern architecture construction to pave the way to customer satisfaction and competitive standing. Unfortunately, the struggle organizations face in balancing technology management and innovation holds many businesses back from reaping the results of their application modernization. In order to help you address this frequent issue permeating the process of modern application development, Romexsoft has created this article which reveals:

  • What the most common advantages of modern architecture are
  • What steps cloud application development entails
  • How AWS application development services support modern infrastructures
  • Why collaborate with certified vendors in AWS consulting and application development

SaaS PoC: Why to Use it and How to Prevent its Collapse From Suddenly Growing Demand

SaaS PoC: Why to Use it and How to Prevent its Collapse From Suddenly Growing Demand

As a piece of disposable code which nonetheless speaks volumes of the solution’s future, a proof-of-concept seems to be a simple and effective way to predict a software product’s further trajectory. Meanwhile, there are numerous gray spots in using PoC. Armed with this article, you will get into the swing of…

  • What proof-of-concept (PoC) is
  • What PoC business benefits and implications are
  • What PoC-associated challenges SaaS faces
  • How to successfully switch from PoC to production
  • How Romexsoft helps in PoC-production transition

Six Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework: The Impact of its Usage When Building SaaS Application

Six Pillars of the AWS Well-Architected Framework: The Impact of its Usage When Building SaaS Application

If you have a very vague idea of what the mere concept of the AWS Well-Architected Framework represents, perusing this article will provide you with the central and most significant points of the topic.

If you consider the possible improvements that mechanisms like the Framework could bring to the solution impracticable and incompatible with the factual everyday issues, you will be able to fully appreciate the benefits the Framework could potentially introduce to your existing software product, or the software-to-be.

How to Build SaaS Application on AWS

How to Build SaaS Application on AWS

While most startup founders know the basics of cloud computing, we assume that many of them lack experience in creating modern SaaS solutions. We created this guide to building a web app hosted on AWS to explain:

  • What “a modern SaaS app” means
  • How a SaaS development process looks like
  • What challenges can you face when developing a SaaS product
  • How building a web app on AWS can help you deal with these challenges

Building SaaS Applications: How we Work With Clients

Building SaaS Applications: How we Work With Clients

  • You are facing a business challenge but still hesitant to make a tangible step to build the right product.
  • You are considering partnering with a vendor but unsure of which points to take into account.
  • You are willing to concentrate on your business matters, but you don’t fancy investing your time into getting the hang of technical aspects.

If any of these statements hold true for you, keep on reading.

How to Develop Web Based Medical Billing Software for Hospitals?

How to Develop Web Based Medical Billing Software for Hospitals?

Get to know how your hospital can benefit from a web based medical billing system and what features it should include.

What are Microservices? Microservices Examples

What are Microservices? Microservices Examples

Developers use microservices to build scalable and functional applications piece by piece. Such architectures help deliver a more complex app structure without trying to create…