Romexsoft Blog

Stay updated with our expert blog, where we share the latest insights on software development, emerging tech trends, industry tendencies, and best practices from our personal experience.

We also provide deep dives into AWS services, offering practical cases, useful tips, and well-thought-out strategies to help you navigate the Amazon cloud.

AWS OpenSearch New Features: The Solutions for Common Challenges
AWS Cloud Solutions
AWS OpenSearch New Features: The Solutions for Common Challenges

Should your daily routine of search and data analytics revolve around the OpenSearch engine, you are probably well-acquainted with the difficulties that come along. In recent years, Amazon has done tons to streamline data integration, enhance search capabilities, and fortify security analytics within the OpenSearch ecosystem.

Read on to find out the latest innovations for extracting the most relevant insights from your data in the least burdensome way. The article sheds light on:

  • What pains a data engineer, developer, and security analyst face while using the OpenSearch suite
  • How AWS has addressed these inherent challenges
  • What benefits you can gain from Amazon OpenSearch innovations
Crafting the Ultimate Automation Testing Strategy
Automation Testing
Crafting the Ultimate Automation Testing Strategy

Keep pace with the dynamic field of QA with these forward-looking insights:

  • Integrate AI and predictive analytics for proactive testing strategies.
  • Embrace both shift-left and shift-right approaches to cover the entire development lifecycle.
  • Leverage Test Environment as a Service (TEaaS) for agile, on-demand testing infrastructures.
  • Understand that advanced automation techniques are key to maintaining a competitive edge and enhancing software quality.
Micro Frontends – The Evolution of Microservice Idea to Frontend Development
Front-End Development
Micro Frontends – The Evolution of Microservice Idea to Frontend Development

Many companies revere distributed systems as a one-size-fits-all approach, which optimally solves any software issue, but does it?

This article explores architecture options from various monolith types and transition options to micro frontends in action: their characteristics, merits and demerits, indications, and nuances between micro frontends in monorepos and multirepos. Be sure to make informed decisions in your frontend architecture journey after perusing this go-to article.

Should any of these questions bother you, keep on reading:

  • What is micro frontend architecture?
  • How to find out if I need micro frontends?
  • What is the difference between monoliths, integrated apps and micro frontends?
  • How are present-day monoliths similar to and different from distributed systems?
  • What are the risks of micro frontend architecture?
Romexsoft Acquires Amazon CloudFront Service Delivery Designation
Company News
Romexsoft Acquires Amazon CloudFront Service Delivery Designation

We are thrilled to announce that Romexsoft has officially become an Amazon CloudFront Service Delivery partner. This designation reflects our dedication to providing top-notch networking and content delivery services (CDN).

The achievement is a testament to our technical prowess, commitment to AWS best practices, and, most importantly, the proven success we’ve already delivered to our customers.

Amazon CloudFront is a content delivery network (CDN) service that securely delivers data, videos, applications, and APIs to customers globally with low latency and high transfer speeds, all within a developer-friendly environment.

Mastering the Project Management Life Cycle in Software Development
Application Development
Mastering the Project Management Life Cycle in Software Development

Embarking on a successful project journey means navigating through the intricacies of project management, a dynamic process marked by distinct stages, each demanding unique steps and tools. This article is an all-encompassing exploration of the project manager’s pivotal role throughout the project life cycle. Join us as we uncover tips and insights, providing a roadmap for the complex realm of project management that can be full of pitfalls. Browse through this article to find out:

  • what is project management life cycle
  • what tools and documents will come in handy in managing a project
  • what duties a project manager is supposed to adopt
  • what challenges occur in the project management flow
  • how to prevent and tackle the project management issues.
Security and Privacy Solutions in EHR Development
Application Development AWS Cloud Solutions
Security and Privacy Solutions in EHR Development

One data breach costs $3.7 million in lost revenues. Learn about the essential EHR features to patch all the vulnerabilities and keep patient data safe.  

Modern Application Development on AWS: Pathways that Generate Business Value
Application Development AWS Cloud Solutions
Modern Application Development on AWS: Pathways that Generate Business Value

Granted that modern web or mobile applications are an indispensable part of delivering customer value, it is only justifiable for businesses to invest in modern architecture construction to pave the way to customer satisfaction and competitive standing.

Unfortunately, the struggle organizations face in balancing technology management and innovation holds many businesses back from reaping the results of their application modernization. In order to help you address this frequent issue permeating the process of modern application development, Romexsoft has created this article which reveals:

  • What the most common advantages of modern architecture are
  • What steps cloud application development entails
  • How AWS application development services support modern infrastructures
  • Why collaborate with certified vendors in AWS consulting and application development
AWS Observability Best Practices for Your Application
AWS DevOps
AWS Observability Best Practices for Your Application

Achieving application observability: the ability to gain insight into an app’s inner operation, is a widespread business challenge aggravated by a common problem: effective instrumentation. While observability is increasingly important, the way to achieving it can be obstructed by the intricacies of instrumenting effectively.

The article will lead you to Amazon’s best practices for overcoming this challenge, enabling organizations to gather and analyze their app’s information in order to gain insights as well as take appropriate actions to tackle issues and ensure optimal app performance. Upon reading, you will be able to apply the following knowledge to your app’s merit:

  • why instrumentation matters for observability
  • how to handle cardinality within visibility
  • what tools and services AWS offers for instrumentation
  • what best practices Amazon promotes for achieving visibility
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